John Dee
John Dee (July 13, 1527 - December, 1608) was a noted British mathematician, astronomer, geographer and consultant to Elizabeth I. He was also interested in alchemy(연금술), astrology(점성술), divination(예언) and Rosicrucianism(장미 십자회의 신비사상).
In the 16th century, Dee reported seeing a perpetual motion machines during his travels (with a pension from Elizabeth I), but wasn't allowed a closer look. He wrote "Monas Hieroglyphica" (The Heiroglyphic Monad) in 1564 (about Kabbala alchemy) and the preface to the first English translation of Euclid's works.
Dee's Speculum or mirror, a piece of solid, pink-tinted glass, about the size of an orange, is preserved in the British Museum.